Unlocking the potential of remote teams: Things to consider when your staff is spread out

As a small business owner, you may be considering enabling a remote work environment. With the rise of technology and the pandemic shifting the way we work, managing a remote team has become a popular option for business owners looking for new and unique ways to grow their business.  However, there are both benefits and drawbacks to consider before making the switch. We’ll start with the benefits. A larger talent…  Read more

Time Blocking vs Time Boxing, other techniques, and how it all fits together

In a world with endless distractions, it’s no wonder that we find it difficult to complete tasks. Focus is hard to come by these days. This is especially true when you’re working from home. Household tasks that would otherwise be out of sight and out of mind are suddenly in your workspace. With that said, there are some proven methods to help you get things done. Time blocking and Time…  Read more

5 signs you need to start outsourcing tasks

When you start a small business, it’s usually only you behind the whole operation. You wear many hats, from CEO to clean-up crew. As you pour your heart and soul into your business and it begins to grow, the amount of work involved grows with it. Because a small business is so focused on survival, you pay a lot of attention to the bottom line. This makes a lot of…  Read more

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